Monday, September 15, 2008

Bathsheba - The Truth Shall Set You Free

2 Samuel 11:5-6 The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, "I am pregnant." So David sent this word to Joab: "Send me Uriah the Hittite." And Joab sent him to David.

Bathsheba goes to David to "fix" the problem. There weren't a lot of choices in this day and age. The law stated that adulterers were murdered. I'm sure Bathsheba considered the odds of taking the full brunt of this sin - because David was King - would they really kill the King for this?

Bathsheba was taking a risk - when David heard the news, he calls for Uriah - Bathsheba's husband to come home. At this point, no one knows what David's plan is - least of all Bathsheba.

He could've called Uriah home to tell him that his wife had been unfaithful and that she needed to be killed. He could have had her killed. This must have been a true time of stress for Bathsheba.

Many times, our stressful situations are ones of our own making. That doesn't make them any less stressful. The only way to work this out is to take it to God and confess. The consequences at that point - will be God's choice. If we have a repentant heart, God loves us and even He can take our sin and use it for His glory. Don't ever think that your sin is so bad that God can't use you. Even in the darkest hour - if you cry out to God - He can and will be there with you - even through the consequences.


Kay Martin said...

You're right about the seriousness of Bathsheba's possible fate. Since David was the king he held much authority. I've thought much about Uriah and his loyalty to his troops...he may have also been a loyal, wonderful husband. Could Bathesheba been greatly grieved when he was sent into the frontlines with David's hope of him being killed? Loyal men have probably always been treasured.

mariel said...

This is so good! I had not pondered Bathsheba's thoughts in this are right, as an 'adultress' she had every reason to fear for her life. We sorta (I sorta) take for granted that David sinned and move on...but Bathsheba was not king! Surely the king could have gotten off scott-free here! Just another indication of what it takes to be a man after God's own heart... FULL repentence and owning up to your own 'stuff'!

Thank you for sharing this!