Monday, January 28, 2019

Naaman - Why Bother?

2 Kings 5:8
When Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his robes, he sent him this message: “Why have you torn your robes? Have the man come to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.” 

There have been so many debates on the abortion issue in light of what is happening in New York.  I should probably stay off of the social media platforms because I can't possibly understand the mindset of people who think killing a child is acceptable.  I did happen upon one news article and mistakenly read the comments.  The main 'commenter' dug her feet into the ground with the position of "it's none of our business what a woman does with her body". 

The reason I avoid reading the comments normally is that people who post, don't want to hear anyone else's opinion.  Nothing anyone says in reply to her comment is going to get her to change her mind.  Unfortunately, those with Christian beliefs can't help themselves to spewing hurtful comments because she does not think the way a Christian should think.  This should not come as a surprise.  Why would we expect anyone who is not a Christian to think beyond what would benefit them?  What would be the reason?  Some may say just to be a good person, but if there is no immediate reward, if there is no consequence - what reason does someone who does not have a relationship with Jesus have for caring about anyone else?

On the other hand, as a Christian, we should deeply care about what is happening to someone else.

In this passage of 2 Kings, Elisha has gotten word that the king of Israel is upset about the letter he had received regarding Naaman.  Now Elisha didn't have to do anything.  There was nothing in it for him.  There would not have been a negative consequence if he had pretended not to know of the Kings' turmoil.  But that is not the man Elisha was and it's not the type of person God calls us to be.  Elisha reaches out to the king of Israel and says "Send him to me, I'll take care of it for you". 

When we see someone in need, it's very easy to look away and go about our daily lives.  But these are the opportunities that God will give us to bring glory to Him.

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